Our Values

Exalt Christ

We seek to be worshippers of God in spirit and in truth. We worship God not because we are good, but because He is good. When we gather together we seek to lift up His name, not our own. Jesus lived the life we were supposed to live, He died the death we deserve to die, and He rose from the grave forever defeating our enemies of Satan, Sin, and Death. We worship Jesus because He has done for us what we could never do for ourselves!

Equip the Family

We seek to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. We stand on His Word because we know it never changes. We believe the more we know God the more we can offer to those around us.

Engage the Community

We believe the Gospel of Jesus is good news! We desire to share that good news with those we live with, work with, and play with. We are seeking to make our community better. We look to serve, not to be served. We look to give, not to take. We love our community and are eager to bless others because we have been blessed by God.

We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America and confess the Christian Faith as articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith.