CCC Students

Grade 6 - 12

Working together, empowered by God, to reach and transform students.

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We do this through a Sunday morning Equipping U class, a mid-week gathering, events, and small group meeting times. We surround students with an amazing team of adult leaders who love Christ and care deeply about students. We encourage, equip, and resource parents as we believe they are the most significant spiritual influence in the life of their student.

Sunday Mornings, 8:45-9:40 am

Every Sunday in the Youth Room. This class is designed to teach more about God and His Word

Wednesday Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 pm

Every Wednesday in the Youth Room

Beginning this fall from 6:30-8pm, our youth will begin a series on studying the Bible. We will learn how to build the healthy habit of reading and meditating on God’s Word. As always, our time in the Bible together will be accompanied by great snacks and crazy games and the unique opportunity to disciple and be discipled by each other!